THE Easiest Most Effective Way To Diminish The visibility of your hearing aids.

VANISH is a dye application process that provides hearing aid wearers with a way to eliminate the reflective nature of the hearing tubes and permanently change their color to one that will match your skin tone. Available in 2 kits, a light kit with 6 light to medium skin tones and a dark kit for 3 medium to dark Skin tones.
The VANISH Pledge
If, After Applying VANISH To Your Hearing Aids;
A) You are not Satisfied With The Results Or,
B) You Could Not Find Your Skin Tone,
VANISH Will Refund 100% Of Your Purchase.

VANISH- 5 Years Later
"Five years ago now at age 54, and after a couple of years struggling to hear, I decided that the time had come to get some hearing aids. So, I Purchased a pair of "behind the ear" hearing aids. They were very good but I HATED the clear shiny plastic wire that ran along my ear.
After checking with all the manufactures for colored wires I learned that NO ONE makes them. I was very excited to do a Google Search turned up a company called VANISH That had exactly what I wanted. I have never been happier, my wires are hidden and people cannot tell I am wearing my hearing aids and that is the way I like it. I am so GLAD I found VANISH and am more than happy to recommend this product to anyone. It's been 5 YEARS NOW, And my new set of hearing aids will be getting a new coat of VANISH. Thanks, AL for developing this critically important product."
Scott Foster- November 2019
Advances in hearing aid technology have provided many of us with the smallest, most discreet hearing aids ever produced — but that doesn't mean they go unnoticed.
Whether we've been wearing them for a week or a decade, most of us are self-conscious about our hearing aids. We feel like everyone is staring at them, and that anxiety can have a major impact on our social lives and how we interact with those around us.
Voted Best New Product by the American Academy of Audiology, VANISH is the solution we've been looking for.
Using a simple, safe dye process, VANISH greatly reduces — some say eliminates — the visibility and reflectivity of your RIC and thin wire hearing aid tubes. Read on to learn more!